Monthly Archives: April 2021

Navy Labs To Reopen The Case On Once Taboo Cold Fusion

Navy Labs To Reopen The Case On Once Taboo Cold Fusion

Researchers at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Division have reopened the case on low-energy nuclear reactions, or LENRs, largely unexplained phenomena that are at the core of theories about “cold fusion.” Five different government-funded laboratories under the control of the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, and National Institutes of Standards and Technology will conduct experiments in an attempt to once and for all settle the debate over this little-understood and highly controversial topic. Despite the controversy and stigma associated with LENR, many experts across the U.S. military believe that the science behind them is sound, and if working technologies can someday be developed, it could transform military operations to an extent not seen in over a century. LENRs are a… Source link

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Ex-Woodford holdings continue to knock Schroders trust as NAV plunges 20%

Ex-Woodford holdings continue to knock Schroders trust as NAV plunges 20%

Neil Woodford’s former holdings have continued to haunt his former trust inherited by Schroders which has seen its assets written down by a fifth.  On Wednesday Schroder UK Public Private trust announced the value of its NAV had been slashed from £398m or 43.48p per share at the end of September to £318m or 35.01p a share by the end of Q4 2020. That afternoon the trust’s share price tanked by 12% and continued falling for the remainder of the week to 31p, losing a further 9%. Managers Tim Creed (pictured) and Ben Wicks and the board described the hit to NAV as “disappointing” but stressed significant progress had been made in reducing the trust’s debt which is expected to be fully paid off with the proceeds from the sale of its stake in Kymab to French… Source link

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‘Impossible’ EmDrive Actually Is Impossible, Comprehensive Test Shows

‘Impossible’ EmDrive Actually Is Impossible, Comprehensive Test Shows

This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. Humanity has come a long way in understanding the universe. We’ve got a physical framework that mostly matches our observations, and new technologies have allowed us to analyze the Big Bang and take photos of black holes. But the hypothetical EmDrive rocket engine threatened to upend what we knew about physics… if it worked. After the latest round of testing, we can say with a high degree of certainty that it doesn’t.  If you have memories from the 90s, you… Source link

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Hot Sauce & Beer Tastings – Thrillist

Hot Sauce & Beer Tastings – Thrillist

The Bottle Shop’s playing tricks with your tongue, bringing in Brooklyn Brewery to dish samples of suds like their Brown Ale and Pennant Ale ’55 while also hosting a tasting of WMD Hot Sauces, with heat ranging from 1st Degree Burns all the way to Nuclear Hot, also what they called Elisabeth Shue in The Saint after she perfected cold fusion, and was hot. Source link

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