Some Sepsis Stuff | Science-Based Medicine

Some Sepsis Stuff | Science-Based Medicine

Sepsis. Bad stuff. Sepsis is when an infection, and occasionally other medical conditions, set off a cascade of out of control inflammation, damaging or destroying any number of organs and often leading to death.

As I said, bad stuff. Sepsis, in all its manifestations, has been one of the mainstays of my practice. Sepsis can be transient and respond rapidly to antibiotics and modern ICU supportive care. It can also be a relentless crash and burn, a rapid and uncontrolled spiral into death.

I have seen a few young meningococcal patients who were fine at breakfast and dead by dinner. Bad stuff.

For whatever reason, patients have recently been made aware of sepsis. For the past few years, it has not been unusual to have been asked by families if the patient was septic.

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