Synopsis: In The Work Study Job. When a college professor steals a discovery from his grad student, the Leverage team has to take him down, returning the credit and reputation to the brilliant young woman in the process. The Story When a friend of Brianna has her academic thesis stolen by her lecturer at a University. The Leverage Team sets about trying to prove it. However, given that the young woman who is called Emma struggles with anxiety. It proves a little more difficult for them as usual as they can only involve her in certain parts of the con. Added to this is the fact that Emma’s lecturer has very good standing with the university and the US media. Meaning that the team has to think outside the box in order to bring him down and get Emma the credit that she deserves. The… Source link
Read More »Monthly Archives: January 2023
Free Heat for Your House in Winter – The Herald Journal
Repurposing Is the Road to Free The old saying is “the best things in life are free.” However, the reality is that very few things are free anymore. When it comes to heat, this is especially true this winter season as people cut down thermostats and look to trim expenses. This year heating prices across the world have gone up dramatically, especially in places like Europe. For a lot of reasons, there are compelling reasons for finding alternative ways to heat. Now before you start thinking this is an article about creating “cold fusion” in your backyard, it’s not. Source link
Read More »Commentary: Fusion dreams have broken many hearts, but finally there is hope | Commentary
While the rafters are ringing with praise for the nuclear fusion breakthrough at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, let me inject a sour note. This isn’t the beginning of cheap, safe, nonpolluting electricity. It is a scientific milestone, not an electricity one. Science tantalizes, but it also deceives. Often the mission turns out not to be the one for which years of scientific research were aiming. I would remind the world that science stirred great hope — futilely — with the idea of superconductivity at ambient temperatures after some laboratory success. The history of fusion is a clear illustration of expectation dashed, revived, resurrected… Source link
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