Monthly Archives: July 2021

ABC puts off compulsory registration for iview service

ABC puts off compulsory registration for iview service

Pixabay The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has postponed by at least six months its move to introduce compulsory registration for its online iview service from 1 July onwards. An ABC spokesperson said in a statement on Thursday that the company, which is a fully taxpayer-funded entity, had intended to introduce the mandatory registration during July and August. “[We] decided to slow things down to ensure our audiences understand the benefits they will receive from creating an ABC account and the ways we manage and protect their personal information,” the spokesperson added. iview is a service that allows viewers to see programs that have already been broadcast or, in some cases, which are yet to go to air. Many commercial TV channels have similar services,… Source link

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Carolyn Hax: Less-affectionate new girlfriend stirs up yearning for ex

Carolyn Hax: Less-affectionate new girlfriend stirs up yearning for ex

Dear Carolyn: I’m dating the most wonderful guy. I am 25 and have dated several guys over the years but never one like this. If everyone treated each other the way he treats me (and, I think, I treat him), the world would be a happy place. And, it’s not just that he treats me well, but we enjoy the same interests and share similar values and morals. Since the beginning I’ve been having one of those, “Ah, so this is what it’s supposed to be like,” moments. But, after all this gushing, I see these unhappy married couples and I think, they must’ve had the same thoughts I did. What is it that goes wrong? Source link

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